Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rusted picture. By scarlett.

It's finally up.

And caught shaman online! yay! (shaman not extra hor)

And cat, blog here moreee.

Friday, March 28, 2008

i'll show no blues, here. by Scarlett.

Yah give all the critics, thanks. But i still love it. Love the streaming rays of sunlight peeking out. (unedited)
Aiya i'll just say it here once and for all. NONE of my sky pics are edited. No glory in editing them and showing them off.
And Baileys completely trashed my mouse whilst not home. Left it on table and he's so freakishly tall, he destroyed it.
I have no fishing idea why i'm feeling like fish.
Or actually i do lah, wtfish.

just another one of the many many. 20 JUNEEEE says:
i'm not exactly in a damn good mood
don't feel like talking
"MMB 1 March says:
whatever it is, cheerup ;)
go take bus nw using 55 cents,if the driver don't let
let down your hair,comb hair,cut hair,wash hair,wipe it dry,perm it,rebond it and really cannot,GET DOWN THE BUS
just another one of the many many. 20 JUNEEEE says:
thanks for trying
"MMB 1 March says:
zz,i laughing nw lei.ok la you go rest ! see you soon :)
(insider's joke)
(and yes, he copy my 20 JUNEEEE)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

FIRE WEREWOLF by Scarlett.

Facebook changed the picture. So chio!!! The other one also damn nice can. Just as nice as each other!
And Bellamy's pics as promised. But who cares anyway right. See the werewolf enough. :D

Hahaha joking lah. His pics, ALMOST as nice as mine only lah. hahahaha. later his feelings get hurt. LOL. joking ah bell!


Homebound by Scarlett.

Stayed home the whole day. When i looked out the sky this evening, it was pretty in baby pink and shades of blue. So took a few pictures of it.

And then i saw a tinge of orange on the far left of as far as my eye could see. Seemed as though there was some other parts of the sky i'm missing out. Wanted to go out of the house and see whether i could get some shots of the other part. But then i suddenly decided to climb to the rooftop(the entrance door to the roof is IN my house, hahaha.) Only climbed once with Cath, Edmond and Yipeng i think. Just to see the night sky. Wanted to climb up once to see fireworks, but cos my younger bro wanted to tag along, my father disallowed me too.
Even from here, the sky's so blue. When i turned(back facing this ladder) and looked up, could see a little orangey sky. And when i climbed up, my heart stood still. And then it started beating really fast. I literally was "O.O" and "OUHMYGOODNESS"


It was, snap snap snap, and climbed back down to call Bellamy.

Scarlett: hello, where are you!!
Bell: I'm out now taking the sunset! heh heh heh(as though i couldn't)
Bell: Yah! Faster go take pics now!
Scarlett: I already did -.-
Bell: You go again. Now different
Scarlett: I just came back down! Eh my house where you know! Got rooftop garden, and climb even higher!
Bell: K lor(sarcastically), don't climb lor. Just watch from your house lor.

So i went back up....

It had turned more orangey, and darker orange. Compare it to the first pic, this one's darker.
Really wish other people were there with me. The sight was breathtaking. I was screaming "amazing graceeeeee" LOL.

And then i stayed on just a little longer and it started turning reddish. Was thinking,the sky can't really get much nicer, so i decided to go climb back down. By then my younger bro came out and asked whether he could go up too. It was pretty scary actually, cos i'm afraid of heights. When i was coming back down, i was like "i'm going to dieeeeeee"

And younger bro was chanting; -
"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"

I have three of the greatest brothers in the world. -.-------------

Perhaps when Bellamy comes online later to show off his pics from his to-die-for lenses and SLR, i might blog them here and exhibit it to the world. That really depends on how nice he is to me later ;)

The end.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

26/03/08 by Scarlett.

Back from sending Cath to work(sounds wrong). Since yesterday, i've been on a fluffy marathon. I actually bought the America's In-Touch magazine! I don't do such stuff, firstly i don't read for nuts, other than humanities.(love it).
And after sitting alone at MW Starbucks for an hour over just trying to pass time by, i started making my way home. On the way i saw more magazines and thought maybe i'd be collecting dust at home so i bought two more fluffy magazines - Seventeen and Teenage. Seventeen's still alright cos there's a little stories. I haven't even read a page of Teen cos the frontpage's a chinese boy-band. Look like 5566 or something -.- Very disgusting faces.
(as you can see, i deliberately covered the coverpage of Teenage)
Seventeen, although story-filled, is also pretty much a waste of cash. The fashion tips are so unrealistic and not even nice. They recommend like, "this this this, $207, where where where" Zz. And it's supposed to be for 17-year olds. -.- They take pictures of people whom supposedly have good fashion sense that hit the streets, yet their clothes really can go no further than my grandma's. There's this part on questionnaires about men from teenage girls: -(by memory. the book's not by my side and i'm lazy to go get it)
Girl: What's up with men and chauvinism? Why do they always act like that.
Man: Men are afraid that they'll appear soft and like sissies, and it's their way of keeping the girl
Girl: Why do men act interested to women who have interests in them and lead them on?
Man: Men like the attention, and this may sound wrong, but, some guys are thinking that they might 'get lucky'.
What is this world becoming? Asians trying to follow the ang moh 'customs'. Tsktsk.
So anyway, after getting the magazines, i was thinking to myself, how could i be such a bimbo? I NEVER buy anything else other than 8 days. Most of the time i buy it to read the synopsises of drama serials and read on the local celebs. i used to love Jacelyn Tay, Joanne Peh, Felicia Chin and other uprising artistes. But now that i've stopped watching Ch8 serials, other than once in a while switching to the channel when the programme i was watching was showing advertisements, i don't watch them anymore.
Okok back to thinking myself a bimbo, so i actually walked into MPH and bought "chicken soup for the teen soul" cos with all the bimbotic books in my hands, i had to balance it. My mum has a few chicken soups, but never read them. Sekali got for teenage soul.. i'd kill myself.
i can't believe i just spent $24 bucks on a non-fiction book! FYI i NEVER spend on books, other than textbooks cos i don't have a choice. So $24 is alot! Wanted to get this book called "Responding to globalisation". So geographical and Social Studies. I think it's a local book cos when i opened the book, there were sub-headings such as "attracting foreign talent" etc. Really wanted to read it, but it was like $30+++ so i couldn't bear to. After all, it's a book! Unless i was sponsored. :D
So anyway, check out my pretty laptop ;D

And one rose bud just broke off from one of the stems from the bouquet. o.O?
This evening's sky, people!

Two mornings ago, i slept at 4am+++, and woke up at 6:30+++ to take the sunrise sky. But there wasn't any, but for a few cracks of gold and orange on the left as you can see. Although it really isn't anything much,i still love it cos the sky's always so beautiful! Just too bad nothing beats the eye lah. I mean, this picture shows the sky, but nothing beats being there, no? And the moon hadn't gone down yet. It was a pretty sight, but my camera can't focus too good.

The end.

Monday, March 24, 2008


and this means,
Standing ovations please!!
And many more to come babeh. =D

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yp bday Part II (a)

Supposedly oreo cheescake. But we all agree it was a failed one. Haha
Yangfu caught "unglam"(rolls eyes*) hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Flipped for the oreo to be on top. And we didn't have sugar icing(or some people same icing sugar) so we used spaghetti! hahaha. linguine actually. MMB = Moon Moon Bird btw, cos his yi peng the peng in chinese is two "yue"s and a "niao". HAHAHAHAHAH. that's for making slog out guts out yp!
Poor busy me looking for materials etc while they indulge in phototaking. Enslaving myself for the work of art. (you'll see what i mean)
Walau i did almost everything myself.(You'll see what i mean again later)
[edit by cath]
eh.. I was being DJ of the night ok. My songs played were choosen with my impeccable great taste. How could you~~ :O And Jerrold slacked the most lor, I was busy-ing with the cake so much.

[/edit by cath]


Catherine's mum sent us to BR, but cos she wasn't familiar with the roads she went pretty slowly and we didn't make it in time for 12am (-.-) But to hell with that. it's reaaally the thought that counts can. So we decorated the void deck with the artsy stuff and had to choose a corner under the stairs cos wind was strong for candles to be lit. So touching can. Walau why nobody do surprises for my birthday T.T
Then after making sure the candle-deco was stable, Cath and i took the lift to the tenth floor(TO THINK OF IT, IT'S LITERALLY CHUP LAO. HAHAHAHAHA) and to our horrors of horror(lol), his house door was open! Sister still awake, door wide open. We were thinking of leaving a note at the door, ring the bell and run. But the door was open! How?! (lol) I managed to sneak without the sister seeing. Damn hard lah. Had to like stand aside making sure i wasn't visible from inside, and stick my hand outwards to paste the note on the floor. (yp you owe us your life.) note roughly said: GO DOWN. TO YIPENG. then i rang the bell, and ran with cat who was waiting at the stairs. Run like the wind!
And Cat made me run UP -.- i was saying, what if we take the lift down then meet him in the lift -.-! But we didn't anyway. And we hid. With Jerrold. Stupid thing was when he found us Cat tried to run. LOL. (won't get offended right, cat? :X)See my artsy masterpiece. hahaha. jerrold helped abit also. with the cutting. Catherine ah.. tsktsk. the oreo cake was her and Jerrold's credit btw. I only crushed the oreos. But was damn hard. Really not easy. REALLY. Lol. Making the cake wasn't easy too, so good work, men!

16 candles!

That's all i have for now. HAHAHAHA so anti-climax. No thanks to Jerrold and his Tupperware mum. HAHAHAHA.

So anyway, i tried to write the note as much as i could to look like Chuiling's handwriting - Cath's idea so as to mislead him. So i asked:

Scarlett: did you think it was Chuiling they all?
Yp: huh?
Scarlett: the note, i wrote it as Chuiling-ish as possible
Yp: No? I see it only straightaway think "oh. must be scarlett they all"
Scarlett: you can recognise my handwriting one meh. got see before meh?
Yp: yah? anyway Cl's handwritng not like that.


For the full setting of the decorations together with the candles and the stayover pics, CANDID SHOTS(must be a fave hit for readers to see us bloggers in our ugliest moments)tune in again, to soon! hahahaa

Oh btw we got him a pair of new converse shoes and an Adidas watch. Both can kill already okay. Think cheap ah. Converse nowadays so bloody ex.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Yp bday Part I

Looking ugly there(scarlett), i know but too bad it's yp's bday's group pic so gotta post it up anyway. Cath and I went over in sleep-over clothes cos we were planning sleepover(and we did, at yp's house) which explains our any-o-how wear okay.

Only managed to get one pic from Jerrold ytd cos i wasn't at the comp and after he sent one, he alrd gtg. So anticipate the rest!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


From the three of us,
Good Friday to all fellow Christians! :D

Have a very blessed year ahead.
Thank God for each other, all He has done for us and for forgiving all our sins. Let us not take for granted for all he has done for us. Let our faith grow in the name of the Lord. :)

Our Lord does not care so much for the importance of our works as for the love with which they are done.



Pictures taken with built-in camera. At Starbucks.
Some of the pics are very similar, but have differences.

Ang moh pai Part II.

( in contrast to Ang Moh Pai Part I)

Finally i'm the girl.
Favourite pic of the day. ( in contrast to this - completely looking like the guy)
Catherine looking ah lian. Lol.
Excited. LOL

Favourite pic of the day No.2 (on par)

The End.