Friday, May 2, 2008

Multiple meets.

This morning's sky.
Xt didn't come today :( Felt so weird without her. ImissyouXt! hahaha get well soon babeh! muaccccksssss hahaha(i can imagine you "eee"ing from here). So anyway, today's break was with Cath, Angie and I. No xt. Sianded. Lol. Cath was going out with her friend, Christine, today so left me and Angie. Had no plans in between church and after school so 'jio'-ed angie out. Lol just go causeway only cos damn lazy travel in and out of mrt.
We ate-ed at Pizza Hut! Wooo rich girls to the max. Hahaha alright lah ;D Can't wait for the next escapade. LOL. Wdv.

Pizza is MINE. Spags are Angie's.
We were talking about Cody and his retardness. And i, saddistically kept trying to make Angie laugh by doing stupid signs to remind her of his retardation(-.-) when she was on the phone. Funny bodoh. Hahahahahaha. She was like,
" ahh yah? uh huh..? hahahha. er sorry i talking to my friend hahaha also. haha. yah so..hahaha" LOL

And this was the killer bright sky at train station. Made my eyes damn dry and zleepy.
I waited for some kind lateee guy to take train with so we both got company to somewhere. Take train only. Bloody felt like the kindest person on earth lah. Wait in the painfully bright sun lehhh?! Cos i going downwards to Dover to meet friend and go church. Lol. Meet so many people hor. Bzbzbz.

Anyway, i took this on the way to school today. Cos i thought it COMPLETELY fit this song.
"Chasin the sun, trying to get away from the rain that's gonna come. Hope i make it all the way".
Can you see we're already under dark clouds and are 'chasing' the brightness? Cool right. lol

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