Friday, March 28, 2008

i'll show no blues, here. by Scarlett.

Yah give all the critics, thanks. But i still love it. Love the streaming rays of sunlight peeking out. (unedited)
Aiya i'll just say it here once and for all. NONE of my sky pics are edited. No glory in editing them and showing them off.
And Baileys completely trashed my mouse whilst not home. Left it on table and he's so freakishly tall, he destroyed it.
I have no fishing idea why i'm feeling like fish.
Or actually i do lah, wtfish.

just another one of the many many. 20 JUNEEEE says:
i'm not exactly in a damn good mood
don't feel like talking
"MMB 1 March says:
whatever it is, cheerup ;)
go take bus nw using 55 cents,if the driver don't let
let down your hair,comb hair,cut hair,wash hair,wipe it dry,perm it,rebond it and really cannot,GET DOWN THE BUS
just another one of the many many. 20 JUNEEEE says:
thanks for trying
"MMB 1 March says:
zz,i laughing nw lei.ok la you go rest ! see you soon :)
(insider's joke)
(and yes, he copy my 20 JUNEEEE)

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